Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Hey Everyone!

Hello! I'm finally posting something new! Sorry I don't have a cute little family to post all my pics haha jk But I'm telling you that I graduate in 9 more school days and I'm pretty excited! After one whole year doing the same old boring routine I need a break, so I'll probably be taking a trip! Who knows to were, but I am!

Here is what is going on now though. I'm dating a super hot and sexy guy named Jubel! And I'm working for a plastic surgeon...nothing too exciting, but hopefully after school I'll start making money so I can go visit Megra in good old Kentucky! I've never been there, and I'm sure I could tell Quetta to come with...And, my lease ends the first of May so I'm really excited to see where I end up. Of course I want to move, I can't stay in a city longer than a year haha I'm thinking just back down to St. George, but we shall see what happens with Jubel :)

Megan, Chandra...that is the update on my life...and here is a pic of Jubel and I. I hope someday you guys can meet him :-D


The Robinson's said...

Jame! Hey anytime you want somthing to eat my Grandma is more than willing, haha! Love the pic you guys look like a hot couple :) I want to meet Jubel soon. Congrats on the upcoming graduation! That would be awesome if you moved back to so. utah! We could hang out more, just bring Jubel with ya:)

The Allen Family said...

Hey! It's like a miracle! :) You look so cute! I LOVE your hair! And, yay that school is almost over! I LOATHE school! :) Jubel is extra cute too and I love his name. Yay for new posts!! :)


Megan said...

Hallelujah!! A post! What a super hot couple. Ow, ow!! Congratulations on graduating in 9 school days!!!! I am thinking that maybe you should move somewhere on the EAST coast. And I am definitely up for some visitors! I'm coming home at the beginning of July. We better have a party!